Sunday, December 11, 2005

Consider The Hijab- Read this!

Feministe: 'Consider The Hijab'

Thanks to Leila for alerting me to this. EXCELLENT article. A student-teacher witnesses what hijab really means through a student's reaction to an awesome assignment.




  1. Salaam 'Alaikum

    Am I all reactionary and wet blanketish for thinking the young sister went about this the wrong way? Hijab isn't a statement, it's an obedience, and in making her point, she did exactly what He Tells her not to: showed off her beauty. I can't praise that or think it's cool, even as I can sympathize w/ how hard it is to be different and how much you sometimes want to stick it to them. -- UZ

  2. Hmm, perhaps a bit wet blanketish but I understand your point even if I don't see it that way.

    In this day and age, even our obedience to God's will is a statement. Like it or not. Maybe b/c of my experiences I think it's a form of dawah to say, look, I'm just like you, but I CHOOSE to be muhejebah, and so can you. Perhaps even better than being muhejebah is showing that you mean it and what it means to you and that it's not just a reflex/something someone or theOne 'makes' you do/ something that can be lightly pulled on or off.

    I'm sure the sister thought long and hard before she removed the hijab and probably even prayed about it. Insha'Allah more people got true benefit from this than were harmed.

