Tuesday, December 06, 2005

by definition I am

Faithful but not a blind follower
Degreed but never done learning
Proud but not boastful
Sassy but not sour
Eclectic but not flighty
Defied but never defeated
Feminine but not frivolous
Kind but not weak
Healthy but not skinny
Evolving but not changed
Anticipating but with a plan
Amiable but not easily befriended
Black, Tall, Charismatic, Aware...
(this is an original creation. Toast but not heist.)

I went to sleep thinking that I never thought I'd mss the coqui chirps. I woke up from a dream of a sweet sunrise and I missed la isla... and then I went outside and I missed the sweet warm humid air...I put on my gloves and coat while memory revisited a place where heated nights make one layer too many... and then I pushed through the crowds to the train and remembered gente who always smiled... then I ate some school food and remembered a place where even comedores escolares serve arroz con habichuela y calabaza, bistec encebollado, y ensalada de repollo...I jingled change in my pocket and remembered that I met people who have less and share twice as much....and as I crossed over a muddy river I remembered driving to La Perla at sunset with beautiful blue waters disappearing at my right shoulder. I've left the island but it'll never leave me...


Submitted to the Radical Women of Color Carnival :

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